Friday, February 6, 2009

This is Ridiculous

One of the things you most often here about Seattle is that Seattlites love their coffee. After moving here a few years ago, I can tell you that not only is it true, but the stereotype is nothing compared to the reality - there are so many freaking coffee places. Since we just moved the studio in January, and I have a new commute, I decided to count how many places I can get an espresso on my 1.6 mile drive to work. So far I have counted eight, none of which are Starbucks:

Monkey Grind
Green Bean
Espresso Stand at Fred Meyer
Java Hut at Greenwood Market
Neptune Coffee
Diva Espresso
Chocolati Cafe
Herkimer Coffee

If I go one block out of my way, I can add in:
Greenwood Sip N Ship
Starbucks at Safeway

I am on my way to trying them all...

Herkimer Coffee

Neptune Coffee

Monkey Grind
Green Bean Coffeehouse

Chocolati Cafe

Diva Espresso

1 comment:

bschwanke said...

ummm, I want to live where you live! I only have Starbucks and It's A Grind (both chains) on my way to work.